حلول الأسئلة
What should you do before you become roommates with a friend?
You should discuss the situation carefully.
شاهد حلول جميع الاسئلة
Unit 10: Who Used My Toothpaste?
A. Write the names of the items.
1. nail polish
2. toothpaste
3. mirror
4. hair dryer
5. dishwashing liquid
6. scissors
7. hairbrush
8. shampoo
B. Answer the question about each photo. Use the words from A.
1. Imad used a toothbrush and water to brush his teeth.
What else did Imad use?
He used a toothpaste.
2. What did the man use to wash Hussain’s hair?
He used a shampoo.
3. The woman at the salon painted Amina’s nails.
What did she use?
She used a nail polish.
4. It was my turn to wash the dishes. What did I put in the water to wash them?
You put a dishwashing liquid.
5. Fahd is getting his hair cut. What are some of the things that the hair stylist will use on Fahd’s hair?
He will use a comb and scissors.
6. Ali just went to the dentist. What is he using to look at his teeth?
He is using a mirror.
C. Write questions and answers with the present perfect. Use the information in the picture.
Use already, yet, or just.
1. Adel / do the grocery shopping
Q: Has Adel done the grocery shopping list yet?
A: Yes, he has already done the grocery shopping list.
2. Adel and Faris / put their jackets in the closet
Q: Have Adel and Faris already put their jackets in the closet?
A: No, they haven't put their jackets in the closet yet.
3. Adel / answer the phone
Q: Has Adel answered the phone yet?
A: Yes, he has just answered the phone.
4. Faris / start his homework
Q: Has Faris started his homework yet?
A: Yes, He just started his homework.
5. Adel / put the food from the supermarket away
Q: Has Adel already put the food from the supermarket away?
A: No, Adel hasn't put the food from the supermarket away yet.
D. Complete the sentences about Ahmed. Use a verb from the box + the gerund form of the verb in parentheses.
It’s my first year at college, and I’m going to have a roommate. I know I’m going to enjoy living (1. live) with a roommate.
It will really be fun! I won’t even miss having (2. have) my own room.
I haven’t met my roommate yet, but I keep thinking (3. think) that we’re going to be great friends.
I've already Finished cleaning (4. clean) the room, and it looks nice and neat!
A. week later:
I hate being (5. be) in a dirty room, so I do the chores. But Jack, who is my roommate, enjoys living (6. live) in one—he hasn’t done any chores yet.
I try to talk to him about sharing chores, but he avoids talking (7. talk) to me.
He also keeps using (8. use) my things and doesn’t return them.
Two months later:
Help! I can't stand living (9. live) with Jack anymore! He keeps throwing (10. throw) his clothes on the floor.
And he won’t stop using (11. use) my things. He says he’ll stop, but then he uses them again.
I’m spending a lot of time in the library, so I can avoid going (12. go) back to my room now.
Later that day:
I just found out that Jack failed all his classes and won’t be coming back to school. I realize that I enjoy living (13. live) without a roommate—at least one like Jack!
E. Rewrite the conversations. Change the position of the phrasal verbs.
1. Son: But I did clean my room up.
But I did clean up my room.
Dad: Really? It looks like you messed your room up.
Really? It looks like you messed up your room.
2. Son: OK, Mom. I put the dishes away.
OK. Mom, I put away the dishes.
Mom: Are you sure you put away all the dishes?
Are you sure you put all the dishes away?
Son: Oh, I didn’t notice those plates in the dishwasher.
I’ll put the plates away now.
Oh, I didn't notice those plates in the dishwasher.
I'll put away the plates now.
F. Complete each sentence. Use a two-word verb from the box and the correct pronoun.
1. The trash can in the kitchen is full of garbage, so I’m going to take it out .
2. I used to leave the light on in my bedroom when I wasn’t there. Now I turn it off when I leave my bedroom.
3. I used to leave the clean dishes in the dishwasher. Now I’m going to put them away after they're washed.
4. I have just ironed my clothes. I’m going to hang them up, so they don’t get wrinkled.
5. The apartment is very dirty now, but I’m going to clean it up.
Answer the questions
1. What happened to the college students who had problems with their roommates?
They weren't happy and got sick more often.
2. What should you do before you become roommates with a friend?
You should discuss the situation carefully.
3. What should you do before you become roommates with someone that you don’t know?
You should tell them about your habits and what irritate you.
4. What are some things you and a roommate should make rules about?
Chores, food, guests, and noise.
H Complete the college roommate application with your own information.
1. What do you enjoy doing?
I enjoy reading, painting, and playing chess.
2. What are some things that irritate you?
Some things that irritate me are people borrowing things without askind and leaving dirty dishes in the sink.
3. When do you go to bed? When do you get up?
I go to bed at 11 p.m., and I get up at 7 a.m.
4. What kind of food do you like? Do you like cooking?
I like chicken and fish. I love Indian cuisine, and I love to cook.
5. When do you usually study? Does noise bother you when you study?
I usually study in the evening, and I can't stand noise when I study.
6. Do you usually leave your things all around or do you pick them up?
How often do you clean your room up?
I always keep things tidy and pick up my things. I clean my room once a week.
7. Do you like your friends to visit you? Or do you prefer going out with your friends?
I prefer going out with my friends.
8. How much time do you spend talking on the phone?
I spend about three hours a week talking on the phone.
Now write a paragraph about what a roommate should know about you.
there are some very important things that a roommate should know about me. I really enjoy playing chess, painting, and reading.
There are a couple things that irritate me. For example, I can't stand it when someone leaves dirty dishes in the sink or borrows my things without asking.
I go to bed early, and I get up early, too.
My favourite food is Indian, and I love to cook.
I usually study in the evenings, so my roommate should be quiet then. I always keep things tidy, and I clean my room once a week.
I don't spend much time talking on the phone. I'd rather go out with friends than invite them over.