حلول الأسئلة
How many gigabytes of memory has Tom’s new smartphone got?
It's has got 32gb.
شاهد حلول جميع الاسئلة
1a: Give me a call
.Where can you find the following in this module? Go through the module and find the pictures
?What gadgets and machines exist now that your parents didn’t use to have
Nowadays there are tablets, smartphones, touchscreen gadgets, Wi-Fi, webcams, etc that didn't exist when my parents were my age.
What do you think life will be like in the future?
Perhaps more gadgets and machines will make our lives easier, both at work and at home. Also, I think travelling will become a lot faster, easier and cheaper.
1 a Give me a call
1. Read
A. Look at the pictures. Why do you think Tom is ringing these people? Listen to the dialogues and check. Then read them out in groups.
Tom is ringing
- Mobi world to ask a shop assistant if his Smartphone has arrived.
- Mr Khaled to ask Ali to go to the shops with him.
- Bill to ask him to go with him to Mobi world.
B. Look at the expressions 1-5 from the third dialogue and match them with their meanings a-e.
1. go for b
2. come in handy c
3. be in a hurry e
4. give somebody a lift d
5. pick somebody up a
C. Read again and answer the questions.
1. Who helped Tom at Mobi world last week?
2. Does Frank manage to help Tom out in the end?
Yes, he does.
3. Why does Tom have to be at the shop before 5:30?
Because they close after 5:30.
4. Who is Mr Khaled?
Ali's dad.
5. Why can’t Tom speak to Ali?
Because he is playing table tennis with a friend at the youth club.
6. What does Mr Khaled tell Tom to do?
He tells him to try his mobile.
7. How many gigabytes of memory has Tom’s new smartphone got?
It's has got 32gb.
8. How are Tom and Bill going to get to the shops?
Bill's dad is going to give them a lift.
1. Read
Comprehension questions:
Is Alex at Mobi world?
No, he isn't.
What is Ali doing?
He is playing table tennis with a friend.
Does bill want to go to Mobi world with Tom?
Yes, he does.
Who is also going down to the shops?
Bill's dad.
Have you got a mobile phone? How many gigabytes of memory has it got?
Yes, I have. It's got 16 gb, but I want to get a new one with a bigger memory.
What do you use your mobile for?
I use it to make phone calls, send messages and check my mail, but also as a calculator, a calendar and an alarm.
2 Vocabulary
Complete using the words in the box. Then listen and check your answers.
A: Hello?
B: Hi, could I speak to Tariq, please?
A: I’m sorry, he’s just gone out. Do you want to leave a (1) Message?
B: Well, it’s strange. I gave him a (2) call earlier on his mobile and he just (3) hung up. I tried again but he didn’t (4) pick up. Now it’s (5) engaged.
A: Yeah, his mobile’s got a problem. He’s taking it back to the shop now. Why don’t you call (6) back in an hour or so?
B: OK, thanks.
A: Hello?
B: Could I speak to Kate?
A: Kate who?
B: Kate Robson. She rang me this morning and now I’m returning (7) her call.
A: I think you have the (8) wrong number. What number did you want to (9) dial?
B: 020 7622 3489.
A: Well, this is 020 7622 4489.
B: Oh, I’m so sorry.
A: No problem.
Circle the correct words.
1. A: Your printer is broken. You’ll have to / must take it back to the shop.
B: Oh, no. Could / May you take it for me? I’m very busy today.
A: No, sorry, I can’t. But you don’t have / needn’t to take it today. You can go at the weekend.
2. A: Would / May I borrow your mobile? I want to take a picture.
B: You mustn’t / don’t need to use my phone. I have my camera with me.
A: Great. I want both of us in it. Excuse me, may / could you take a picture of us?
C: Sure.
3. A: I mustn’t / don’t have to forget to give Sandy a call later. She rang me earlier but I must / had to hang up because there was someone at the door.
B: Call her now.
A: No, I can’t. I need / must tidy up my room quickly before my parents get home. Will / May you help me?
4 Listen
1. Today is Tuesday
2. Mr White doesn’t need to give Mark a lift home.
3. Tim doesn’t need to borrow money any more.
4. Tim thinks John took his camera this morning.
5. Tim’s camera got wet (in the rain) and doesn't work.
6. John asks for some money / a favour.
7. John offers to wash the car for a whole month.
5 Speak
Talk in pairs
Student A: Imagine you are ringing Student B to talk about something, but he/she isn’t picking up his/her mobile. Leave a voicemail message and wait for
him/her to return your call.
Machine: Hi, this is peter, I'm not here at the moment. Please leave a message and I'll call you back as soon as I get home.
Gary: Hi peter, it's Gary. I'm calling to ask you if you have any plans tonight. Some friends are coming over tonight to play computer games. What do you think? Call me!
Student B: When Student A rings you, listen to him/her as he/she leaves a voicemail message. Then ring Student A and discuss the message he/she left.
Peter: Hello, Gary?
Gary: Oh, hi peter!
Peter: I just got your message. Thanks for the invitation!
Gary: You're welcome. So, are you free?
Peter: Sure! What time are you getting together?
Gary: At about 7.
Peter: OK. See you then!
1 Read
Comprehension questions:
What did GO4IT canter open?
In 2003.
What did Jake Lewis want?
He wanted to use his experience as a PE teacher to help kids more.
What kind of machines has the canter got?
All the standard gym equipment plus ' gaming machines.
What can you do instead of running on a treadmill?
You can race your friends through a jungle.
Can you name some of the canter's facilities?
Free Wi-Fi, a study canter and a café.
How many new centres are they opening?
How much is the price of membership for three months?
€150 plus a €109 membership fee.
Did Eric Bradshaw use to go to the gym a lot?
No, he used to be really unfit.
What was the reason Paul Peters started going to GO4IT?
The gaming machines.
Would you go to GO4IT canter? Why? / Why not?
Yes, I would, because I think it would make me think of exercise as a fun way to spend an afternoon. / No, I wouldn't, because this type of activity is not for me.
What do you think about the prices at GO4IT?
I Think they are OK, if you think about what it offers.
What gaming machine would you like to use?
I would like to try the race through the jungle, because I like nature and I would live to combine it with exercise.
What's your opinion on GO4IT?
I think it is a clever idea to get teenagers interested in exercise.