حلول الأسئلة
Three Hints Quiz
Hint 1: This is a person.
Hint 2: He or she works in a school.
Hint 3: He or she teaches students.
A: a teacher.
شاهد حلول جميع الاسئلة
!Unit 3: My School is cool
2. Choose a friend and write three questions you want to ask about his or her school.
1. What's the name of your school?
2. Do you have a school uniform?
3. Does your school have school buses?
3. Three Hints Quiz
Hint 1: It‘s a type of clothing.
Hint 2: You wear it to school.
Hint 3: Parts of it are: jackets, trousers, or skirts.
A: a school uniform.
1. Listen and write about Jasmine ‘s school.
Hi! Let me introduce my school.
The name of my school is River View Elementary School.
There are about 350 students in my school.
We don't have school lunch at our school.
Our school has a school bus.
Our school starts at 8:30.
2. Write about your school.
2. The best place in our school is the second yard.
3. My best friend at school is Ali.
4. My favourite school subject is Science.
3. Three Hints Quiz
Hint 1: This is a person.
Hint 2: He or she works in a school.
Hint 3: He or she teaches students.
A: a teacher.
1. Listen and fill in the missing words.
This year Amal likes science.
Last year she liked art.
This year Hashim likes math.
Last year he liked English.
2. Write about yourself.
My favourite subjects
This year: science.
last year: math.
Our family trips
This year: Dubai.
last year: Jeddah.
3. Three Hints Quiz
Hint 1: It‘s a subject.
Hint 2: Sometimes you draw.
Hint 3: Sometimes you use coloured pens or crayons.
A: art.
1. Fill in the missing words. Then listen and check.
1. My sister is in the second grade this year.
Last year she was in the first grade.
2. My brother is in the third grade this year.
Last year he was in the second grade.
3. Aisha is in the fourth grade this year.
Last year she was in the third grade.
4. Ali is in the fifth grade this year.
Last year he was in the fourth grade.
5. Amal is in the sixth grade this year.
Last year she was in the fifth grade.
2. Read the questions and write answers about yourself.
1. What subject did you like most last year?
2. Which grade were you in last year?
Fifth grade.
3. Three Hints Quiz
Hint 1: It‘s the name of a month.
Hint 2: It‘s before October and after August.
Hint 3: It‘s the ninth month of the year.
A: September.
1. Fill in the missing words with past tense verbs.
Then listen and check.
Rana had a little lamb. Its fleece was white as snow.
Everywhere that Rana went, the lamb was sure to go.
It followed her to school one day, which was against the rules.
It made the children laugh and play,
To see a lamb at school.
2. Three Hints Quiz
Hint 1: It‘s an animal.
Hint 2: It‘s the mother of a lamb.
Hint 3: It gives us wool.
A: sheep.
1. Write three more rules that you have to follow at school. Use the rules on page 23 of your Student's Book as examples.
Listen to the teacher.
Don't forget to do your homework.
Speak English in class!
Don't make too much noise when you play games.
2. Write three home rules. What do your parents tell you to do or not to do?
Don't stay up late, make noise.
Remember to do your prayers on time, brush your teeth, do your homework.
3. Three Hints Quiz
Hint 1: It‘s an animal.
Hint 2: It lives in the sea.
Hint 3: It has eight legs.
A: Octopus.
1. Listen and circle the words you hear.
2. Find the letters and write the words.
3. Fill in the missing words.
- If you want to make fresh orange juice, squeeze some oranges.
- Your skirt is too long. You are going to step on it and fall.
- Sharks are very scary. I never want to see a real one.
4. Three Hints Quiz
Hint 1: It‘s an animal.
Hint 2: It‘s big.
Hint 3: It gives us milk.
A: cow.
2. Write three questions to ask your brother or sister about his/her school.
Are there many classrooms in your school?
How many students are in your class?
Is there a large school yard?
3. Three Hints Quiz
Hint 1: It‘s a room.
Hint 2: There are many books.
Hint 3: You go there to read or study.
A: library.