حلول الأسئلة
You are on an airplane. Write your answers.
What would you like to drink?
I'd like some orange juice, please.
شاهد حلول جميع الاسئلة
Unit 6: My Dream Vacation
2. Make two travel plans, write, and say them.
Plan 1. I'm going to Dubai. It takes about two hours to get there.
I'm going shopping.
Plan 2. I'm going to London. It takes about six hours to get there.
I'm going sightseeing.
3. Famous Places Quiz
Circle the correct city.
A: The Eiffel Tower is in … London / Paris / Durban.
B: The Burj Khalifa is in … Berlin / Dubai / Cairo.
C: The Kingdom Tower is in … Sydney / Riyadh / Dammam.
2. You are on an airplane. Write your answers.
1. What would you like to drink?
I'd like some orange juice, please.
2. What would you like to eat?
I'd like beef and noodles, please.
3. What are you going to drink after dinner?
I'd like some coffee please.
3. Missing Colour Word Quiz
A: I‘d like some orange juice please.
B: I‘d like some green tea please.
C: When you see a red light, you should stop.
1. Listen and match with the pictures.
2. Read and fill in the missing words.
- Little Red Riding Hood is going to visit Grandma.
- The big bad wolf is going to Grandma‘s house before Little Red Riding Hood.
- The wolf is going to try and eat Little Red Riding Hood.
3. Opposites Quiz
A: What‘s the opposite of up ? down.
B: What‘s the opposite of open ? close.
C: What‘s the opposite of hello ? bye.
1. Listen and draw lines.
2. Write two places you want to go to on your trip and what you want to do there.
- I'm going to Jeddah to visit the old town.
- I'm going to Dubai to shop for new clothes.
3. Fact File Quiz
A: It‘s white. You ski on it. snow.
B: It‘s blue. You surf on it. sea.
C: It‘s an animal. It says “Quack!” duck.
3. Opposites Quiz
A: The opposite of big is. small.
B: The opposite of wrong is. right.
C: The opposite of weak is. strong.
1. Answer the questions.
1. Why are you here?
Because I want to learn English.
2. Why do you eat ice cream?
Because it's my favourite.
3. Why are you holding your head?
Because I have a headache.
2. Change the words and rewrite the chant My Little Brother. Use your imagination. You can write about someone else and give different reasons.
1. Why did you eat all the rice?
Because I was very hungry.
2. Why did you drink all the apple juice?
Because I was very thirsty.
3. Why did you take my phone?
Because it's so cute!
4. And why did you set on my chair?
Because I was very beautiful.
You have a chair!
Yours is nicer
3. Missing Letter Quiz
A: When I feel happy, I a u g h.
B: When I feel sad, I c r y.
C: It‘s blue. It rhymes with cry. s k y.
2. Write the missing words.
- January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
- Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
3. Missing Letter Quiz
A: W e d n e s d a y
B: F e b r u a r y
C: S e p t e m b e r
2. Write your own postcard. Draw some pictures of your holiday.
Monday, July 5th
From Rome
Dear Eddy,
How are you? I'm in Italy.
It took six hours to fly here.
I'm having a great time in Rome.
Im eating pizza. It's great!
See you soon,
3. Opposites Quiz
A: The opposite of cold is h o t.
B: The opposite of slow is f a s t.
C: The opposite of the beginning is the e n d!