حلول الأسئلة
Comprehension. Answer about the inventions.
Has printing been around for a long time?
Printing has been around since 1440/for almost six hundred years.
شاهد حلول جميع الاسئلة
Unit 5: Since When?
Quick Check
A. Vocabulary. Find six words in the article that relate to technology.
invention, computer, PCs, screens, laptop, printer, device, television, digital, cassette, tape, recharging, megapixels.
B. Comprehension. Answer about the inventions.
1. How long has IBM produced commercially successful computers?
IBM produced commercially successful printers since 1953/for about 60 years.
2. Has printing been around for a long time?
Printing has been around since 1440/for almost six hundred years.
3. How long have TV sets been common in homes?
TV sets have been common in houses since 1960s/for more than 50 years.
4. How long ago did the first microwave ovens appear in homes?
The first microwave oven appeared in house about 45 years ago.
5. How long have cameras been on the market?
Cameras have been on the market for more than 120 years/since 1888.
6. For how many years have people had cell phones?
People have had cell phones for about 35 years.
3. Grammar
A. Complete the sentences with for or since.
- Hameed has had the same TV for 15 years.
- I’ve had my laptop since last June.
- We’ve worked on this project for a month.
- My friends haven’t visited me since my graduation.
- We haven’t used our car for a long time.
- I’ve been drinking tea for years.
- Tariq has worn glasses since the age of seven.
- since when have you had that beautiful watch?
B. Work with a partner. Make sentences about the inventions.
- People have eaten canned food since the early 1800s.
- People have worn wristwatch for over 100 years.
- People have had radio since 1901.
- People have used toothpaste for over 170 years.
- People have used electric lightbulb since 1879.
- People have made film since 1895.
- People have used paper clips since the 1890s.
D. Complete the paragraph with the verbs in parentheses. Use the present perfect or simple past tense.
Keep Cool
- People have tried (1. try) to keep cool or keep their food cool for ages. The Chinese invented (2. invent) ice cream 4,000 years ago, and they kept (3. keep) it in snow in underground chambers.
- In Baghdad in the eighth century, a king imported (4. import) snow and put (5. put) it in the walls of his summer home to cool the home.
- In 1834, Jacob Perkins built (6. build) a machine to make ice in London.
- The first home refrigerators appeared (7. appear) in the early 1920s.
- Since then, people have preserved (8. preserve) their food in refrigerators. About the same time, air conditioning of large spaces became (9. become) possible.
- Since that time, people have cooled (10. cool) themselves with air conditioners in stores, offices, and homes.
5. Listening
Listen to the conversation. Answer the questions.
1. Since when has Fahad walked for exercise?
Fahd has walked for exercise since he had his heart problem.
2. How long has Fahad had his new job?
Fahd has had his new job for six months.
3. How long has Saeed been married?
Saed has been married for almost a year.
7. About You
1. How long have you studied English?
I have studied English since I entered school.
2. How long have you played a sport or had a hobby?
I have played sport for almost three years.
3. How long have you had any of these items: computer, laptop, digital camera, scooter, cell phone?
I have had a computer since I was five years old.
4. How long have you gone to school?
I have gone to school since I was six years old.
5. How long have you lived in your house?
I have lived in my house for four years.
6. How long have you known your best friends?
I have known my best friend since I was child.
8. Conversation
About the Conversation
1. How long has it been since Adnan and Fadi have seen each other?
They haven't seen each other for five years/ since high school.
2. Have they changed a lot?
Adnan hasn't changed at all, but Fadi looks more serious.
3. Where is Fadi working?
Fadi is working in a bank.
4. How long has Fadi worn a suit?
Fadi has been in a bank for one year.
5. How long has Adnan been married?
Adnan has been married for about a year.
9. Reading
After Reading
A. Match the words with their meanings.
- d technique
- f sequence
- e interrupt
- b miniature
- a innovation
- c accomplish
B. Answer about the article.
1. How long have audiences watched films?
Audiences have watched movies since 1985/ for more than 115 years.
2. How was the “stop trick” discovered?
The stop trick was discovered by accident.
3. What special effect was used for King Kong?
A small model for a gorilla was used but in the film it looked large.
4. How did the special effects crew of Star Wars create realistic motion?
They used a computer- controlled camera to create senses with more realistic motion.
5. What films have become references in the art of visual effects?
Jurassic park, lord of the rings, toy story, transformers and pirates of the Caribbean.
10. Project
1. Work in groups. What do you think is the most important invention of the last century? How has it changed people’s lives?
2. Present your arguments to the class about why you think it is so important.
Solar cars
- Renewable energy is vital in the world today as in the near future to save energy and power The solar powered car is a step in saving these.
- non-renewable sources of energy will become scarce. A solar car is a solar vehicle for use on public roads or race tracks. Solar vehicle are electric vehicle that use self contained solar cells to power themselves from sunlight.
- Solar vehicle typically contain a rechargeable battery to help regulate and store the energy from the vehicle during braking.
- Some solar cars can be plugged into external power sources to supplement the power of sunlight used to charge their battery.
- The pasic principle of the solar cars to is to use energy that is stored in a battery during and after charging it from a solar panel.
- The charged batteries are used to drive the motor which serves as an engine and moves the vehicle.
The advantages:
- The solar powered car doesn't use gasoline or oil. It uses sunlight to power it.
- It saves the fuel.
- It doesn't emit any harmful toxins into the atmosphere.
- Using the solar powered car will save money.
The disadvantages:
- Weather Dependent: when sunlight is not available, there will be a slight problem.
- Low energy conversion rate.
- Expensive batteries are needed to store solar energy for cars to be able to run at night.
- Low speed.
11. Writing
C. Write about some of your most important possessions. Say how long you’ve had them and why they are special.
Remember to use appropriate pronouns to link sentences.
- My favorite possession is a necklace and it's important for me, because it's a gift.
- My grandmother gave me it 4 years ago.
- It was the present for my birthday. I have had since I was twelve years old and I have never stopped wearing since I got it.
- That necklace has a little sea star in it, which has some glitters on it. This necklace is my lucky charm.
12. Form, Meaning and Function
A. Change the sentences from active to passive.
1. Karl Benz made the first car in 1886.
The first car was made by Karl Benz in 1886.
2. Companies all the over world produce cars today.
Cars are produced all over the world today.
3. They have made many changes in our city.
Many changes have been made in our city.
4. Did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin?
Was penicillin discovered by Alexander Fleming.
5. They filmed the documentary in a desert oasis.
The documentary was filmed in a desert oasis.
6. Did they invite you to the graduation ceremony?
Were you invented to the graduation ceremony.
7. People speak English all over the world.
English is spoken all over the world.
8. Steven Sassoon invented the digital camera in 1975.
The digital camera was invented by Steven Sassoon.
B. Change the sentences from passive to active.
1. Typewriters have been replaced by word processors.
Word processors have replaced typewriters.
2. All entrées in this restaurant are served with rice and salad.
This restaurant serves all entrées with rice and salad.
3. Was the first airplane flown by the Wright brothers?
Did the Wright brothers fly the first airplane.
4. Soap has been used by people in the Middle East for nearly 5,000 years.
People in the Middle East have used soap for nearly 5,000 years.
5. The way we communicate has been changed by cell phones and computers.
Cell phones and computers have changed the way we communicate.
6. Roughly thirteen percent of the world’s oil is produced by Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia produces roughly thirteen percent of the world’s oil.
7. An encyclopedia of medical practices was written by Al-Zahrawi in 1000.
Al-Zahrawi wrote an encyclopedia of medical practices in 1000.
8. Many flying machines were designed by da Vinci, but they were never built.
Da Vinci designed many flying machines, but he never built them.