حلول أسئلة الثانوية مقررات

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى في موقع موقع سبورة - طلاب السعودية

Unit 5: Did You Hurt Yourself?

A. Complete the sentences. Write the correct letter in the blank.

  1. I swerved the car d
  2. Sue cut a
  3. Robert got a shock e
  4. Larry wasn’t injured f
  5. The drowsy driver b
  6. Aggressive drivers g
  7. Distracted drivers c
  8. Skateboarders should h

B. Complete the story. Use the words in the box.

words a

  • Majid loves to ride his bike. He rides it a lot. He has had several accidents, but he’s never hurt himself because he wears proper safety (1) equipment.
  • His friend Ted hasn’t been as lucky. He recently had an accident on his bike. He crashed into a tree when he swerved to (2) avoid a car.
  • He hurt his head and was (3) injured quite badly.
  • He had to go to the hospital. He never thought that he had to (4) obey safety rules.
  • Now Ted knows that they’re important.
  • The week after his accident he wanted to buy proper safety equipment.
  • He asked Majid what he used because he never hurt himself on his bike. Majid told him that he needed a (5) helmet for his head.
  • Now Ted never rides his bike without it.

C. Write the correct reflexive pronoun next to the subject pronouns.

I myself

you and I ourselves

it itself

they themselves

he himself

she herself

we ourselves

you (singular) yourself

you (plural ) yourselves

D. Complete the conversations. Use reflexive pronouns.

Mr. Al Yami: What happened?
Yahya: I hurt (1) myself.
Mr. Al Yami: How did you hurt (2) yourself?
Yahya: I tripped and fell.
Mr. Al Yami: Samir! Go call an ambulance! Chad hurt (3) himself.
Omar: How are you?
Yahya: Well, I hurt (4) myself pretty badly, but I feel better now. I’m glad I was wearing a helmet, though.
Omar: You know, my brother hurt (5) himself skating last month, too.
Yahya: I know! Well, you take good care of (6) yourself, OK?
Omar: I sure will.
Yahya: So many people have hurt (7) themselves lately.
Imad: It’s amazing! Just yesterday my uncle almost broke his leg on the stairs, but he caught (8) himself just in time.
Yahya: I think we all have to take better care of (9) ourselves!

E. Complete the sentences. Write the correct letter in the blank.

  1. I need a thermometer g
  2. Smoking isn’t good for you, f
  3. Jenny needs to go to bed e
  4. I took an aspirin h
  5. I ate too much at dinner b
  6. I didn’t drink any coffee c
  7. Jack burned his finger d
  8. I am going to the gym a

F. Fill in the blanks with so or because.

  1. You need to pay attention, so you know how to do your job.
  2. I didn’t finish my homework last night because I was tired.
  3. My brother got a ticket yesterday because he was speeding.
  4. My brothers and I always wear our helmets when we ride our bikes, so we don’t hurt ourselves.
  5. She was injured in the car accident, so she went to the hospital.
  6. My father broke his arm because he slipped on the ice.
  7. Thomas is good at basketball because he practices a lot.
  8. My cousin worked in a restaurant last summer, so he saved up enough money to buy a new laptop.

G. Match the statements with the responses. Write the correct letter in the blank.

  1. I never crash my bike. c
  2. I always do my homework at night. a
  3. I have never broken my arm. e
  4. I spent the afternoon at the Internet café. f
  5. I have gotten lost while driving. b
  6. I didn’t slip on the ice. d

H. Show agreement with the following statements. Then write a sentence with so or because.

1. I haven’t eaten anything all day.
Neither have I.
I haven't eaten anything today, so I'm very hungry.

2. I went to bed late last night.
So did I.
I went to bed late last night because I had a lot of homework.

3. I visited my uncle last weekend.
So did I.
I visited my uncle last weekend because he was ill.

4. I very seldom cut myself.
Neither do I.
I very seldom cut myself because I take care when I use a knife.

5. I always brush my teeth before I go to sleep.
So do I.
I always brush my teeth before I go to sleep, so my teeth are white.


Read about home safety and complete the exercises below.

  • T Keep blankets, clothing, and furniture away from heaters.
  • T Keep towels, clothing, and curtains away from the stove.
  • _____ Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.
  • _____ Learn how to use a fire extinguisher.
  • T Don’t plug too many things into one outlet.
  • T Don’t keep matches where children can get them.
  • T Have a fire drill in your home. Practice often.
  • _____ Choose a place outdoors where everyone can meet if there is a fire in the home.
  • T Learn how to call the fire department in case of an emergency.

Write T for True or F for False.

  1. F Keep a fire extinguisher in your living room.
  2. T Have a fire drill in your home.
  3. T Have a meeting place everyone can go to if there is a fire in your home.
  4. F Keep blankets and clothes on top of heaters.
  5. T Learn the telephone number of the fire department.

J. Have you ever been in an accident? Do you know anyone who has?
Write information about accidents in the chart.

Accident 2 Accident 1
I was cooking I was riding my bike What was happening before
the accident happened?
I forgut to turn off the stove. A fire started I fell of my bike and broke my arm How did the accident
I forgut to turn off the stove. A fire broke out He should wear safety equipment What could the person have
done to avoid the accident?

K. Write what you think happened.

1. Have you heard about the skydiver whose parachute did not open until he was quite close to the ground?
What do you think happened to him?

I think he hit the ground and broke some parts of his body.

2. Have you heard about a boy who got trapped under the ice of a frozen lake?
What do you think happened to him?

I think he died.

L. Look at the picture. Answer the questions below.

pic l

1. What is the person doing for safety?

He's fastening the seatbelt.

2. What can happen if the person doesn’t take safety measures?

The baby can get injured or die.

3. Where should the child seat be placed in the car?

The baby should be placed in the back seat of the car.

4. What are some other things people should do to make sure a child is safe in a car?

They should luck the doors while driving. They shouldn't leave the children alone in the car.


Write a story about an accident that happened. Complete the organizer and use it to help you write the story.

The Accident

  • One day my mom asked me to go shopping for her. I rode my bike towards the mall. While riding, I tripped by a big stone and fell of my bike.
  • My arm hit the ground and it was broken. It was really painful. It was terrible, I started screaming, so a man heard me and called the ambulance.
  • At hospital, a doctor treated me and prescribe some medicin.
  • I advise every one to put on safety equipment before riding a bike.

N. Change the imperatives to sentences with must or mustn’t.

  1. Pay attention to the road. We must pay attention to the road.
  2. Don’t fall asleep at the wheel. Drivers mustn't fall asleep at the wheel.
  3. Ask the driving instructor for advice. I must ask the driver instructor for advice.
  4. Don’t sit in the front seat. Children mustn't sit the front seat.
  5. Fasten your seat belt. Fatima must fasten her seat belt.
  6. Don’t tailgate. Badr mustn't tailgate.
  7. Don’t run across the street. You mustn't run across the street.

O. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t and the verb in parentheses.

  1. Skaters should wear (wear) a helmet and kneepads.
  2. The baby shouldn't sit (the baby / sit) in the front seat of the car.
  3. Drowsy truck drivers should stop (stop) for a break.
  4. You shouldn't ride (ride) your bike fast down the hill.
  5. That driver shouldn't talk (talk) on his cell phone while he’s driving.
  6. My leg hurts. I should see (see) a doctor.

P. Complete the conversation. Use adverb forms of the adjectives in parentheses.

Mom: How was your first driving lesson?
Bob: It didn’t start (1) well (good) because I fell on the way to the driving school. I hurt my arm (2) badly (bad), and arrived there (3) lately (late).
Mom: Did you miss the lesson?
Bob: Yes, I missed my appointment. But then I waited (4) patiently (patient) for my instructor who was out on another lesson. (5) luckily (lucky), he had time to give me a lesson after that.
Mom: So, did you have a good lesson?
Bob: Oh, yes. I spent an hour driving. Of course, I didn’t go (6) fast (fast). I listened (7) carefully (careful) to the instructor. He explained everything (8) clearly (clear) how to control the car. Then I drove it (9) safely (safe) back to the school.
Mom: What must you do now?
Bob: I must try (10) hard (hard) to learn the rules of the road. Then, I’m sure I’ll pass my test (11) easily (easy).

Q. Look at the map. Complete the sentences. Use across from, between, or next to.

pic o

  1. The subway station is across from the health club.
  2. The health club is next to the supermarket.
  3. The bank is between the hotel and the restaurant.

R. Look at the map. Answer the questions. Make two sentences for each. Use on, near, or far from.

1. Where is the museum?

The museum is on Broadway Street.

It's near the subway station.

2. Where’s the restaurant?

The restaurant is on Franklin Street.

It's far from the pharmacy.

3. Where’s the park?

The park is on Park Avenue.

It's near the restaurant.

S. Look at the map. Complete the conversation using prepositions and imperatives. The speakers are at the pharmacy.

A: Excuse me. Where is the mall? Is it far (1) from here?
B: No, it isn’t. It’s (2) near that park. Go (3) straight on Park Avenue to the next corner. (4) Turn a left at the restaurant. The mall is (5) across from the restaurant. It’s (6) between the convenience store and the bookstore.
A: Thank you.

حلول أسئلة الثانوية مقررات

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى في موقع موقع سبورة - طلاب السعودية
