حلول أسئلة الصف الثالث المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى في موقع موقع سبورة - طلاب السعودية

3b: Day

1 Warm-up

Do you like making or fixing things?

Yes, I do. I'm very creative and I think I'm good with my hands.

How good are you at DIY?

I'm quite good, actually. I bult a lot of DIY furniture and I enjiyed it.

2 Read

A. Look at the picture. What do you think Bill and Tom are making? Listen to the dialogue and find out.
Then read it out in groups.

They are making a bedside table.

B. Read the dialogue again. Find expressions/phrases that match those below,

1. on our own by ourselves
2. I can’t think because of the noise I can't hear myself think.
3. I don’t want to spend time doing it I can't be bothered
4. It’s very easy It's a piece of cake
5. His idea is right He has a point

C. Read again and find sentences that prove the following.

1. Tom and Bill believe they don’t need Ali’s help.

I think we can manage by ourselves./ Leave it to us, Ali.

2. The volume of the TV is too high.

Actually, can you turn that TV off? I can't hear myself think.

3. Ali doesn’t want to turn on the light

Do it yourself. I'm reading my magazine.

4. The two boys decide not to use the instructions.

I can't be bothered. How difficult can it be to put together a bedside table?

5. The two boys aren’t sure of what they’re doing.

This can't be right./ It's probably upside down./ Isn't it supposed to move around?

6. Tom and Bill hadn’t noticed the wheels in the box.

Wheels? What wheels?

7. Ali could see a picture of the bedside table all along.

And there's an advert for it here, in my magazine.

3 Vocabulary

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box. Then listen and check your answers.

words 5

1. The car went out of control and turned over three times before it stopped in the middle of the road.

2. My dad wants to turn the garage into a gym.

3. Could you turn the TV on ? I’d like to see the weather forecast for tomorrow.

4. Quick, turn up the volume! I want to hear that news story.

5. Don’t forget to turn off the printer before you leave.

6. turn that awful TV programme ! It’s too loud.

7. The day turned out to be warmer than we had expected.

4 Grammar

Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns.

1. The saucepan was very hot and Susan burnt herself

2. We finished the project by ourselves.

3. I bought myself a nice pair of shoes yesterday.

4. My dad usually fixes the car by himself.
5. Did you do that all by yourselves , kids? Well done!

6. Are you talking to yourself again? People will think you’re crazy!

6 Speak

Talk in pairs about something you’ve made.

A: So, I put together a bookcase the other day.

B: Where did you buy it from?

A: The DIY shop near my house.

B: Was it easy?

A: Yes and no.

B: What do you mean?

A: Yes, because the steps were really simple, and no, because it had a million screws!

B: Oh, no. Don't you have an electric screwdriver?

A: I don't. So it took me hours to finish.

B: What did you have to do?

A: Just attach two long sides to the shelves. Nothing really difficult.

B: How did it turn out?

A: Really nice, actually.

حلول أسئلة الصف الثالث المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى في موقع موقع سبورة - طلاب السعودية
