للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل

2c: Good night!
A. Complete the sentences with prepositions.
1. My doctor told me that lack of sleep can lead to health problems.
2. Harry bought a new bike last week, but he can’t get used to it.
3. Rick was talking in his sleep last night, but he wasn’t aware of it.
4. Maybe we should stop running for a while and let the others catch up.
5. Bill wasn’t feeling well yesterday, so he isn’t likely to come today.
6. Mike always shouts at other drivers when he’s behind the wheel.
7. According to Kareem, it’s a great book.
B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
1. Alex’s story didn’t make any sense.
2. What’s that smell? Is your neighbour cooking again?
3. Khaled felt a bit sleepy, so he went to bed.
4. It’s almost nine o’clock and Fay isn’t awake yet. She’s going to be late again!
5. Van Gogh wasn’t very well-known during his lifetime.
6. Smith is the most common surname in the UK.
7. Lots of research has been done on sleeping habits.
8. Let’s make a(n) list of the things we need before we go to the supermarket.
C. Rewrite the sentences starting with the words given. Use the infinitive or -Ing form.
1. That Museum is very interesting. You should visit it.
That museum is worth Visiting.
2. Let’s go to the zoo on Friday.
I suggest going to the zoo on Friday.
3. Brian forgot to take the letters to the post office.
Brian didn’t remember to take letters to the post office.
4. I’d love to be able to travel all year round.
Imagine travelling all year round.
5. We saw Phil at the café. We were happy.
We were happy to see Phil at the café.
6. We’d like to go for a walk along the beach.
We feel like going for a walk along the beach.
7. Bill didn’t want to show us his new painting.
Bill refused to show us his new painting.
8. I’d like you to stop making that noise, please.
Will you stop making that noise please?
D. Complete the dialogues with the bare or full infinitive, or the -Ing form of the verbs in brackets.
Darren Hi, Barry. What’s up?
Barry Not much.
Darren How’s the study group going?
Barry Well, we’ve stopped (1) meeting (meet) for the moment.
Darren Why is that?
Barry My parents don’t let us (2) get (get) together at my house any more. There were ten of us, and our neighbours couldn’t stand (3) hearing (hear) all that noise. So, now we’re trying (4) to find (find) somewhere else to meet.
Darren How about (5) asking (ask) the youth centre?
Barry, you reckon?
Darren Yeah. They always like (6) helping (help) young people.
Barry Great. Would you like (7) to go (go) over there now and ask?
Darren Sure. Could you (8) get (get) my jacket for me? It’s right behind you.
Barry OK.
Steve Hey, some friends of mine are planning to go (9) (go) sailing on Saturday morning.
Are you interested in coming (10) (come)?
George Sure. I love doing (11) (do) water sports.
And the weather should be nice. What time?
Steve We’ve arranged to meet (12) (meet) at my house at half past five.
George In the morning?! No way. I hate waking (13) (wake) up early at the weekend.
Steve But we need (14) to start (start) early so we can get the most out of the day.
George Sorry, I might (15) join (join) you if you leave a bit later. But half past five is too early.
Steve OK. Maybe another time.
E. Complete the sentences with your own ideas.
1. I’d love to go to the park
2. I may go shopping
3. I enjoy playing football
4. I must cook for lunch
5. I avoid talking to her
6. I’ve promised to visit to my friend
7. I don’t mind watching the film
للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل
