للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل

3b: Diy
A. Match the sentences with the pictures.
a. Attach the two pieces of wood together. 4
b. Turn the monitor upside down. 3
c. Turn up the volume. 5
d. Turn off the lights. 1
e. Push the bit of wood into the hole. 6
f. Turn on the lights. 2
B. Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronoun.
1. I don’t need the instructions. I can put it together by myself.
2. Don’t worry about the garage door. It closes by itself.
3. I think Timmy and Jake are old enough to look after themselves.
4. My baby sister turned over by herself.
5. Hey guys, make sure you don’t hurt yourselves when you get off the boat.
6. Mohammed went into town to buy himself a book about DIY.
C. Circle the correct words.
1. There’s an advert in the newspaper for the new shopping centre. Did you see it / itself?
2. My father cut him / himself on a piece of glass and there was blood everywhere.
3. Did the children enjoy them / themselves in Singapore?
4. It was nice to meet up with Khaled. I hadn’t seen him / himself for ages.
5. Could you give me / myself that screw?
6. We don’t need a lift. We can get there by us / ourselves.
7. Ameer wanted a new bedside table so he got one for him / himself last week.
D. Complete the dialogue with the sentences a-g. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.
Paul John!... John!
John What?
Paul, can you stop playing that computer game for a bit? (1) c
John But I have nothing else to do.
Paul Yeah, I know. (2) e
John What subject?
Paul History.
John You’re really good at History. (3) f
Paul Maybe, but I still need to study. Why don’t you go to Kyle’s house and hang out?
John (4) b and anyway, it’s raining. I don’t want to walk to Kyle’s house in the rain.
Paul (5) a the weather’s bad, but what am I going to do?
John Listen, I’ll play for another ten minutes. Then I’ll stop, OK?
Paul Thanks.
للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل
