للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل

4d: Going abroad
A. Complete the crossword.
1. The hairy parts on your face above your eyes. eyebrows
2. To make an expression with your mouth to show you are happy. smile
3. To greet someone by holding their hand and moving it up and down. shake
4. To move your hand from side to side to say hello or goodbye. wave
5. To move your head up and down to show you agree with something. nod
6. To say hello when you meet someone. greet
B. Choose the correct words.
1. We had to refuse / remove our shoes before entering the house.
2. Jack is very rude. He didn’t owe / accept my gift.
3. Are you familiar of / with this book?
4. My friend offered me a gift / host to welcome me.
5. Edward offends / owes me a lot of money. When is he going to give it back?
6. Whoever knows the answer, please raise / point your hand.
7. The parents got very angry with their child’s bad custom / behaviour.
8. What’s that on your forehead / shoulders? Did you hurt your head again?
C. Match.
1. I’m going to paint this wall black. C
2. Have you seen Sally and Linda lately? b
3. What happened when you fell off the chair? a
4. I told them a joke but nobody laughed. e
5. Are you going to visit your friend in Geneva? d
للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل
