حلول أسئلة الصف الثاني المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى في موقع موقع سبورة - طلاب السعودية

?Unit 16: Have you Ever

quick check

B. Comprehension. Answer yes or no.

  1. no John has flown in a small plane.
  2. yes, Omar has been hang gliding.
  3. yes, Adnan rode a camel in Egypt.
  4. no Qassim and his family have never eaten durian fruit.
  5. no Don went cliff hanging last year.
  6. no Mark has never seen an odd animal.

pair work

A. Ask and answer about the people.

Has Omar ever been hang gliding?

Yes, He has.

When did he go?

He went last year.

Has John ever flown in a small plane?

No, He hasn't.

B. Ask and answer about yourself.

Have you ever seen an unusual animal?

No, I haven't.

Have you ever ridden a camel?

Yes, I have ridden it in Egypt.


A. Complete the conversations. Then practice with a partner.

1. A: Have you ever seen a snake?

B: No, I haven't. Have you?

A: Yes, I saw one in the desert

B: Were you frightened?

2. A: I ate ants in Mexico years ago.

B: What did they taste like?

A: They were spicy.

3. A: HAs Nasser ever gone snorkelling?

B: Yes, he has.

A: Did he like it?

B: No, he didn't.

4. A: I've never flown in a helicopter.

B: I have. I flew in one over the Red Sea.

A: I'd like to do that one day.

B. Work with a partner. Ask and answer about your experiences.

Have you ever climbed a mountain?

No, I haven't.

Have you ever ridden a camel?

Yes, I have.

Have you ridden an elephant?

No, I haven't.

Have you ever travelled by plane?

Yes, I have.

C. Tell about your partner's experiences to another classmate.

Last year, I visited Egypt. I saw the pyramids. I rode a camel and a horse.


Listen to Matt talking about his travel experiences. Mark the things he's done.

  1. visited historic places. ✔️
  2. climbed a volcano. ✔️
  3. been to Nicaragua. ✔️
  4. visited the Panama Canal area. ✔️


About the Conversation

1. Where did Andrew go on his vacation?

He went shark diving in Gansbaai.

2. What kind of experience was it?

It was an awesome experience, but it was scary.

3. How do they attract the sharks?

People throw out big pieces of fish.

4. Was he scared?

Yes, he was. Andrew says he was scared to death.

5. What does Michael think?

Michael thinks that Andrew is crazy.

Your Turn

Find someone in your class who has done these things. Then share your finding with the class.

Who/ What/When/ and Where Name
last year, with her father, Europe. Mona gone snorkeling
last month, with her family, Dammam. Nada flown in an airplane
last year, with family, Thailand. Hala eaten an unusual food item
last month, with her family, Alphas. Najla traveled to an exciting place
last year, the king, at a celebration. Hend met a famous person

about you

1. What was the most dangerous or most exciting experience you've ever had?

Climbing a mountain is the most exciting experience.

2. What was the most relaxing, peaceful experience you've ever had?

Travelling in a ship on the Nile River.


After Reading

1. Why are camels called "ships of the desert"?

Because they have been used as a means of transport in the desert due to their ability to with stand the hot, dry climate.

2. How is riding a camel different from riding a horse?

The rider must sit two meters above the ground on the camel's hump, and the movement of the camel swings the rider from side to side.

3. What are two characteristics of camels?

Camels are emotional and intelligent.

4. Which tip do you think is the most important and why?

When the camel stands up, hold on tight and grip your knees around the camel's sides. As the camel leans forward, lean back in the opposite direction to keep from falling.


B. Think of someone you know or invent a character that has had an exciting life. Write notes in the chart about what the person has done and why it is exciting.

Why it is exciting Activity
He went to unusual and exciting places. Likes adventure
He tasted new and strange dishes. taste many kinds of food
He learnt to speak English, French, Hindi and Persian. speak four languages

Form, meaning and Function

A. Choose the correct verb for each sentence.

  1. Hameed rides his horse, Smokey, almost every day.
  2. He named his horse Smokey because of its Gray colour.
  3. He is training Smokey to become a champion jumper.
  4. Hameed and Smokey have been in two competitions so far.
  5. They didn't win the competitions, but they did quite well.
  6. Hameed believes that they will win the next competition.

B. Put the verbs in parentheses into the correct forms of the present or past.

  1. We haven't been to Oman yet, but we went to UAE last year.
  2. Ali usually walks to work, but yesterday he took a taxi.
  3. She lost her keys, so now she is searching the house to find them.
  4. So far, she has looked in her room, but the keys aren't there.
  5. We didn't eat anything all day because we are fasting for Ramadan.
  6. Oh no! It is raining, and I left my umbrella in the car.
  7. I don't know why you are nervous. Haven't you ever flown in a plane?
  8. They didn't use cars in the 19th century. Today, people drive their cars everywhere.

حلول أسئلة الصف الثاني المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى في موقع موقع سبورة - طلاب السعودية
