للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..

حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل

?..Unit 16: Have you Ever

A. Look at each group of words. Circle the word that doesn't belong.


B. Look at the photos. Complete the sentences.

  1. Have you ever gone bungee jumping?
  2. Ali has been hang gliding. He went to France last year, and his father took photos.
  3. Paul has never tried cliff hanging. but it's his brother's favorite sport.

C. Complete the chart. Use the correct forms of the verbs.

Past Participle Simple Past Present
been was/were be
done did do
eaten ate eat
gone went go
seen saw see
swum swam swim
taken took take
written wrote write

D. Complete the conversations. Use the present perfect.

1. Asma: I visited Qasr Al- Masmak last year.

Hanan: I have visited Qasr Al-Masmak several times.

2. Faisal: I rode a motorcycle last week.

Majid: That's nothing. I have ridden a motorcycle many times.

3. Ali: I swam in the Red Sea on my vacation.

Tariq: That's great! My brother has swum there before, too.

4. Yahya: I saw a volcano near Madinah in Harrat Khaybar.

Imad: My father has seen volcanoes in three different countries.

5. Fahd: I ate pizza when I was in Naples, Italy.

Saeed: My family and I have eaten pizza there, too.

6. Refah: My parents took a cruise two years ago.

Amal: My uncle has taken several cruise.

E. Ask and answer about your experiences. Use the phrases from the photos. Write short answers.

1. Q: Have you ever ridden a roller coaster?

A: Yes, I have.

2. Q: Have you ever heard a lion roar?

A: No, I haven't.

3. Q: Have you ever eaten Korean food?

A: Yes, I have.

4. Q: HAve you ever broken your leg?

A: Yes, I have.

5. Q: Have you ever seen a real camel?

A: No, I haven't.

F. Complete the sentences. Use the simple past or the present perfect.

  1. I went to jeddah three times last year.
  2. Adel ate a whole pizza yesterday.
  3. We haven't taken any tests in English.
  4. Did you wake up on time this morning?
  5. My brother hasn't played tennis in years.
  6. Have you ever been to another country?
  7. I did my homework after dinner.
  8. Has your little brother ever cleaned his room?


Write T for True or F for False.

  1. T Hang gilding first started in China.
  2. F An Englishman broke his arms when he crashed his hang glider.
  3. F Many people understood how a bird's wing works long before the 1880s.
  4. T Otto Lilienthal is the father of modern hang gliding.
  5. F The Wright brothers never heard about Lilienthal.


Imagine what it is like to go hang gliding. Write about it.

A Hang Gliding Adventure

I can imagine that I have a hang glider, and the wind blowing a lot. I run down the hill and the hang glider lifts me from the ground. And suddenley, I'm flying. I can see my whole town. I fly over my house. Then little by little, I get closer to the ground, and I fently land.

للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..

حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل
