للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل

?..Unit 16: Have you Ever
A. Look at each group of words. Circle the word that doesn't belong.
B. Look at the photos. Complete the sentences.
- Have you ever gone bungee jumping?
- Ali has been hang gliding. He went to France last year, and his father took photos.
- Paul has never tried cliff hanging. but it's his brother's favorite sport.
C. Complete the chart. Use the correct forms of the verbs.
Past Participle | Simple Past | Present |
been | was/were | be |
done | did | do |
eaten | ate | eat |
gone | went | go |
seen | saw | see |
swum | swam | swim |
taken | took | take |
written | wrote | write |
D. Complete the conversations. Use the present perfect.
1. Asma: I visited Qasr Al- Masmak last year.
Hanan: I have visited Qasr Al-Masmak several times.
2. Faisal: I rode a motorcycle last week.
Majid: That's nothing. I have ridden a motorcycle many times.
3. Ali: I swam in the Red Sea on my vacation.
Tariq: That's great! My brother has swum there before, too.
4. Yahya: I saw a volcano near Madinah in Harrat Khaybar.
Imad: My father has seen volcanoes in three different countries.
5. Fahd: I ate pizza when I was in Naples, Italy.
Saeed: My family and I have eaten pizza there, too.
6. Refah: My parents took a cruise two years ago.
Amal: My uncle has taken several cruise.
E. Ask and answer about your experiences. Use the phrases from the photos. Write short answers.
1. Q: Have you ever ridden a roller coaster?
A: Yes, I have.
2. Q: Have you ever heard a lion roar?
A: No, I haven't.
3. Q: Have you ever eaten Korean food?
A: Yes, I have.
4. Q: HAve you ever broken your leg?
A: Yes, I have.
5. Q: Have you ever seen a real camel?
A: No, I haven't.
F. Complete the sentences. Use the simple past or the present perfect.
- I went to jeddah three times last year.
- Adel ate a whole pizza yesterday.
- We haven't taken any tests in English.
- Did you wake up on time this morning?
- My brother hasn't played tennis in years.
- Have you ever been to another country?
- I did my homework after dinner.
- Has your little brother ever cleaned his room?
Write T for True or F for False.
- T Hang gilding first started in China.
- F An Englishman broke his arms when he crashed his hang glider.
- F Many people understood how a bird's wing works long before the 1880s.
- T Otto Lilienthal is the father of modern hang gliding.
- F The Wright brothers never heard about Lilienthal.
Imagine what it is like to go hang gliding. Write about it.
A Hang Gliding Adventure
I can imagine that I have a hang glider, and the wind blowing a lot. I run down the hill and the hang glider lifts me from the ground. And suddenley, I'm flying. I can see my whole town. I fly over my house. Then little by little, I get closer to the ground, and I fently land.
للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..
حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل
