للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..

حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل

Beautiful Nature

Goal 25

(1) Listen, point, and practice. Trace.



Goal 26

(1) Listen, point, and practice.

(2) Point and say by yourself. Trace.


(3) Draw something beautiful and something ugly. Trace.


Goal 27

(1) Listen and chant. Trace.

trace the chant

(2) Color the picture.


Goal 28

(1) Listen and chant. Write the words.

Write the words

.Back to school, It's fall

.September, October, November

.Getting cooler, winter's here

.December, January, February

.Flowers are out, It's spring

.March, April, May

.Yummy, summer's here

,June, July, August

.And back again

(2) Find and circle four words.

words snake

Goal 29

(1) Listen, point, and practice. Trace.


(2) Write the opposites.

1. It's long.

It's short.

2. It's big.

It's small.

Goal 30

(1) Listen, point, and practice.

point and practice

(2) Listen, read, and match.


Goal 31

(1) Listen and practice.

(2) Listen and circle c or g.

c or g

(3) Write the missing letters c or g. Trace and copy.


Goal 32

(1) Listen, point, and practice. Trace.


(2) Make the sounds.

c c c c g g g g c c c g g g c c g g c g

للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..

حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل
