حلول أسئلة الصف الثاني المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى في موقع موقع سبورة - طلاب السعودية

Saudi Review

1. Copy and complete this recipe.

Here is 1 a a nice fish recipe. You need 2 a big fish (1kg), spinach (500gm), 3 an onion, a cup of rice, 50ml of water, olive oil and spices.
First, cut 4 the fish and the onion into pieces and wash 5 the spinach. Next, heat oil in 6 a pan and then cook 7 the onion. After 8 a few minutes, add 9 the fish, water and
spinach and cook them for 10 an hour.

2. Match and number.

A. 2

B. 7

C. 5

D. 4

E. 3

F. 1

G. 8

H. 6

3. Say and read.

1 What kind of cooking is Al-Mandi cooking?

Al-Mandi cooking is cooking in a hole in the ground.

2 What kind of cooking is Al-Mathbi cooking?

Al-Mathbi cooking is cooking on hot flat stones.

4. Match.

1. Try this recipe from Saudi Arabia. d
2. If you invite friends to dinner, e
3. Don’t use a lot of oil. a
4. If you don’t have fresh tomatoes, f
5. When you add water to the rice, c
6. Put the fish on a large flat plate. b

حلول أسئلة الصف الثاني المتوسط

حل اسئلة رياضيات - علوم - عربي وجميع الكتب والمواد الأخرى في موقع موقع سبورة - طلاب السعودية
