تسجيل الدخول
الصفحة الرئيسية
محفظة الأسئلة
الصفوف الدراسية
بنك الأسئلة
عن سبورة
الاتصال بنا
الصف السادس الابتدائي
اللغة الانجليزية
الفصل الدراسي الأول
حل كتاب النشاط We Can 5
Unit 6: Jobs
Unit 6: Jobs
Listen and practice. What's your dad's name?
Listen and practice. What does he do?
Listen and practice. What's your mom's name?
Listen and practice. What does she do?
Unscramble the letters and write the words.
Listen and practice. Match with the pictures.
Write about your dad's, your uncle's, or your brother's job.
Listen to the questions and say the answers. He's Abdullahu.
.Listen to the questions and say the answers He's Faisal.
Listen to the questions and say the answers. They're Ali and Omar.
Listen and practice. Fill in the number of the matching photos.
Choose three jobs and write sentences like the sentences in Exercise 1.
Copy the underlined sentences.
Listen and practice. Match with the pictures.
Write about what you want to be when you grow up.
Say, spell, and write the words.
Listen and check the right box.
Read and write the chant on page 49 of your student book using numbers.
Listen and circle the numbers.
تم حفظ السؤال في محفظة الأسئلة
لايمكن حفظ السؤال لانه خارج الصف المحدد من قبلكم
تم حفظ السؤال في محفظة الأسئلة
لايمكن حفظ السؤال لانه خارج الصف المحدد من قبلكم