للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..

حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل

Unit 2: What Day Is Today?

A. Write the days of the week in the correct order.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

C. Write the numbers in words. Then write the answer.

  1. 13 + 33 = ? Thirteen plus thirty-three equals forty-six.
  2. 21 + 15 = ? Twenty-one plus fifteen equals thirty-six.
  3. 43 + 57 = ? Forty-three plus fifty-seven equals hundred.
  4. 76 + 4 = ? Seventy-six plus four equals eighty.
  5. 11 + 18 = ? Eleven plus eighteen equals twenty-nine.

D. Fill in the numbers.

  1. sixth, Seventh, eighth.
  2. fourteenth, Fifteenth, sixteenth.
  3. eleventh, Twelfth, thirteenth.
  4. fifty-fourth, Fifty-fifth, fifty-sixth.
  5. twentieth, thirtieth, Fortieth.
  6. Sixtieth, seventieth, eightieth.
  7. seventeenth, Eighteenth, nineteenth.
  8. Sixty-second, sixty-third, sixty-fourth.

E. Write the following dates.

  • 2/15: February fifteenth.
  • 5/5: May fifth.
  • 12/30: December thirtieth.
  • 6/11: June eleventh.
  • 4/25: April twenty-fifth.

F. Match.

  1. e How old are Jim and Jack?
  2. d When is their graduation?
  3. a How old are you?
  4. b What day is today?
  5. c What are their names?
  6. f What month is it?

G. Circle the correct possessive adjective.

1. Hello. My name is Sabah. What is (your / our) name?

2. They are eighteen years old. (Your / Their) graduation ceremony is today.

3. A: What are your names?

B: (Their / Our) names are Yahya and Adel.

4. The boys are ten years old. (Your / Their) final test is October 7.

5. Your clothes are so amazing! And (our / your) clothes are great, too.

H. Circle the correct question words.

  1. (How old / When) is his brother?
  2. (When / What) day is today? It’s Thursday!
  3. It’s May 15th. (What / When) is the final test?
  4. (What / When) are their names?
  5. (When / What) is the date tomorrow? It’s April 7th.

I. Write the correct word. Use in or on.

  1. on Saturdays.
  2. on Thursdays.
  3. in April.
  4. on July 23rd.
  5. in March.
  6. on October 30th.
  7. on Mondays.
  8. in November.

J. Complete the crossword puzzle. Spell out the numbers.


1. 12th
3. 3rd
4. 19
7. 5th


2. 11th
3. 20th
5. 80
6. 90



Write about yourself.

  • My name is Mohammed.
  • I am sixteen years old.
  • My final test is in the third month of the year. It’s in March. Ahmed is my best friend.
  • He / She is fourteen years old.
  • His / Her final test is on March fifteenth.

للوصول السريع إلى الدروس والاختبارات..

حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل
