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Unit 10: Who Used My Toothpaste?
Quick Check
A. Vocabulary. Complete the expressions based on the pictures.
1. Have you done the dishes yet?
2. Have you fed the goldfish yet?
3. I can’t stand listening to that game anymore.
4. Who used my toothpaste.
B. Comprehension. Answer the questions about the pictures.
1. Why hasn’t the boy done the dishes yet?
There's no dishwashing liquid and he was doing his homework.
2. What can’t the father stand?
He can't stand listening to the video game.
3. What has the girl just given the fish?
She has just given the fish some food.
4. What should the sister do after she uses the hair dryer?
She should put the hair dryer away.
3 Grammar
A. Work with a partner. Ask and answer about the pictures.
1. A: Have you set the table yet?
B: Yes, I've already set the table. / No, I haven't set the table yet.
2. A: Have you vacuumed under the bed yet?
B: Yes, I have already vacuumed under the bed. / No, I haven't vacuumed under the bed yet.
3. A: Have you taken out the garbage yet?
B: Yes, I have already taken out the garbage. / No, I haven't taken out the garbage yet.
4. A: Have you fixed the door yet?
B: Yes, I have already fixed the door. / No, I haven't fixed the door yet.
B. Work in small groups. Which of the following do you enjoy doing? Which of the following do you dislike doing? Add your own ideas.
I enjoy exercising.
I can't stand waiting in lines.
I hate shopping in crowded stores or malls.
I don't enjoy ironing.
I don't mind going to the barber/hairdresser.
C. Rewrite each sentence with a two-word verb in two ways.
1. Put away the toys.
Put the toys away.
2. Clean up the mess.
Clean the mess up.
3. Take out the garbage.
Take the garbage out.
4. Turn off the light.
Turn the light off.
5. Throw away these old shoes.
Throw these old shoes away.
D. Make sentences with the words. Use gerunds
1. she / clean / can’t stand / the house
She can't stand cleaning the house.
2. live / our grandparents / enjoy / in the country
Our grandparents enjoy living in the country.
3. the children / hate / their ice cream / share
The children hate sharing their ice cream.
4. eat / Mom’s food / we / miss
We miss eating Mom’s food.
5. my sister / my toothpaste / use / stop / have to
My sister has to stop using my toothpaste.
6. the workers / paint / the house / finished
The workers have finished painting the house.
5 Listening
Ken and Jake are away at college. Listen and mark the things they miss from home.
Jake | Ken | |
x | family | |
x | x | homemade food |
x | friends | |
x | basketball | |
x | video games | |
x | laundry | |
x | privacy |
8 Conversation
About the Conversation
1. How long did Greg stay?
Greg stayed almost three months.
2. Was he welcome at his aunt’s house at first?
Yes, he was.
3. What complaints did Karen have about her nephew?
Greg took over the house. He used their things and didn't put them back. He never cleaned up, and he ate in the living room.
9 Reading
After Reading
A. Match the two-word verbs with their meanings.
1. d let out.
2. a find out.
3. e clean up.
4. f give back.
5. c call up.
6. b give up.
B. Write three expressions that mean ''to irritate.''
1. drive you crazy.
2. get under your skin.
3. annoy.
C. Answer true or false about the complaints in the forum.
In general, people disapprove of the following:
1. True people talking on cell phones in public places
2.False people on a diet
3. True people who don’t wait their turn
4. False people who do the dishes right after a meal
5. False people using an escalator instead of the stairs
11 Writing
A. Read the information in the Writing Corner. Complete the sentences with who, that, which, whose, or where
1. It’s inconsiderate when passengers on the bus put their shopping bags where other people want to sit.
2. I can’t stand people who/that throw litter in the street.
3. I don’t care for people whose ring tone is too loud.
4. It irritates me when people don’t put things back where they found them.
5. It gets on my nerves when people say things which/that aren’t true.
6. I hate those advertisements which/that continuously pop up on my computer screen.
7. It bothers me when I have coffee with a friend who/that is constantly texting on his phone.
8. Car alarms which/that go off in the middle of the night are really annoying.
B. Complete the chart with notes on impolite behaviour and how it affects others.
Effects | Impolite behaviour |
It is still rude to be taxing on your phone while also having a conversation with someone else. | Improper Cell phone Use. |
when this happens, you run the risk of losing your friends and looking petty. | Gossiping. |
It seems like a kind of disrespect to the person who is talking. | Interrupting. |
Put your trash or garbage into the container it belongs to for helping in recycling. | Littering: includes everything you throw on public or private property. |
Not calling to say you will be late is rude behaviour; you should call and give others a chance to be understanding, if they want to be. | Being Late every time. |
1. Improper Cell phone Use
Despite how commonplace these behaviours have become, it is still rude to be texting on your phone while also having a conversation with someone else, to talk on your cell phone during meals, to text or call while driving (which is also very dangerous).
2. Gossiping
Gossiping is never a good quality, no matter where you are. But when you're in the workplace the chances of not being able to escape the hurt you've caused others is a potential job-killer. When this happens, you run the risk of losing your friends and looking petty.
3. Interrupting
It is normal for very young children to interrupt adults when they are talking, but adults should know better than to cut someone off while they're saying something.
4. Littering
Littering includes everything from throwing cigarette butts out the window of a car to not getting trash or garbage into the container it belongs in, or dumping trash on public or private property. Litter of any kind is dangerous for the environment; it can breed vermin and disease, contaminate drinking water, and take away from the aesthetic beauty of nature.
5. Being Late
Sure, we are all late for something sometimes, but not calling to say you will be late is rude behaviour; you should call and give others a chance to be understanding, if they want to be. Those who are habitually late for meetings, family gatherings, and work should try setting all their clocks at home 15 minutes ahead.
12 Form, Meaning and Function
A. Complete the sentences with can’t or must.
1. Badria couldn’t sleep last night. She must be tired.
2. Ahmed’s just joking. He can’t be serious.
3. You haven’t eaten all day. You must be hungry.
4. Look how tall he is! He must be over two meters tall.
5. It can’t be six o’clock already. Where does the time go?
6. That’s impossible. It can’t be true.
B. Complete the conversation with can’t, must, so, or such. Then practice the conversation with a partner.
A: This (1) can't be your apartment!
B: Don’t you recognize it?
A: Not at all. It was (2) so run down that I wondered why you wanted to buy it.
B: Well, it was (3) so cheap that I could afford it. And it.
has (4) such a beautiful view of the harbour.
A: But…
B: I know. It was (5) so a mess that I couldn’t stand it. The paint was (6) so old that it was coming off the walls,
and the floors… There were just (7) so many things to fix that I took some time off work to renovate.
A: You did this yourself? You (8) must be joking. You did (9) such a good job that it looks professional.
B: Thanks. I just have one complaint. I worked (10) so hard that I’m exhausted. I need another week off to rest.
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حمل تطبيق سبورة من متجر جوجل
